Blog 3: The First Amendment

"Congress shall make no law about respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The six freedoms of the First Amendment are in place to protect us from government excess of power, and the way those six freedoms interconnect become an important device for us to assert our autonomy, individuality, and participation in the government. A peaceful protest march is the way to put into use our freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, petition to government, and freedom of press as news and opinions also circulate in media outlets. Gathering in public as a large group to voice concerns and views on an issue to create awareness on others and make the government to act on that problem is the main purpose of a protest.

The issue of police brutality against Black people have persisted for decades, and the death of George Floyd under conditions of police mercilessness has led to unprecedented number of large protests against police violence and racism in all fifty states. In the middle of a pandemic, Black Lives Matter supporters have packed the streets to voice their indignation and to demand justice and the end of police brutality. Although some protesters have turned violent and others have used the chaos created to loot and damage property, most demonstrators are peaceful while exercising their First Amendment rights.

However, in these particular marches where people denounce police violence, the police has reacted with fierce hostility. As in a dystopian world, the president of the United States called the national guard, and law enforcement conducted mass arrests and engaged in acts of violence like using tear gas, rubber bullets, and batons to repress peaceful protesters, bystanders, and journalists. It is evident that such actions violate the First Amendment clauses of freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. However, people have been loud and clear on their demands and state governments are now beginning to take the steps necessary to change things around... I hope so.


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